Election and Vote 2014

2014 is the year of politics.

The statement itself explains how truly important (or exaggerating??) Indonesians think of our national election.

Me? I’m starting to doubt whether I’m gonna vote or not since the only candidate that I know worthy enough for THIS election is hopeless.

There is another one though that people really think that he’s worthy enough to be our next President (well, at least he’s waaaay better than the current president.) but the thing is that I don’t think that the current election is the right time.

He’s good. He is, no doubt at all really good at making changes here and there. But he was just elected to hold a higher position last year and we don’t know yet whether he’s gonna make it or not.

I mean, if you can change Jakarta, where all the rotten tomatoes gather, then you really can change Indonesia.

If you can only SURVIVE Jakarta, well..that’s not really impressive since so many people do it anyway, isn’t it?

I’m just very concerned. I believe that many people here suffer the same perplexity as I do.

The election is just in few days, and we still don’t know who to vote.

You’re Never Alone

you think you’re just a nobody
trapped in a world of nothing
with no one to go to
and nothing to hold on to

you think you’re just a smoke
passing through the air
knowing that you
bring people pain
only to disappear

but you don’t realize that you
are the best thing that ever happen to me
you’re a hero, a precious gift to me
you changed my life
you turned my world upside down
and I have never ever felt
more alive

So remember,
that you are never,


May 30, 2013
Cindy “Zee” Alvionita

The Golden Boy

he thinks he’s such a genius
with a brain bigger than of Einstein
that fails he realize he’s just a wuss
humoring himself that he’s on the same level as Einstein

so high he thinks of his deed
as he doesn’t realize
that he’s just his parents’ reed
for him to feed

he thinks he knows everything
when all he’s doing
is planting his own thinking.
though none of it seems working

he thinks he’s a star
born with a silver spoon.
in fact, he’s nothing
but a goon

poor golden boy,
living in his own world,
which is actually just
a toy


May 30, 2013
Cindy “Zee” Alvionita

The true STAR w…

The true STAR will always shine the brightest with its soothing, adorable, and endless light. As for the others, the fail ones (as I usually call “the spotlight addict”) will fade eventually. Well, you know, because STAR is read backward: RATS.

 inspired by mas Cecep’s poem. May he rests in peace. 🙂


The Spotlight Addict

you think you are the best
among the rest
the fact is you’re vain
with all your skills of being plain

you think you have what it takes
to be a star
when actually by far,
you’re no better than
everyone’s scar

desperately you seek
for the audience
unrealizing you stink
of foul ambiance

busy you seem
with works of nothing
and all the meaningless gleam
self-created, and still
fail to blink

May 30, 2013
Cindy “Zee” Alvionita

The Castle


there once stood a castle in a meadow
surrounding creatures of shallow
protecting its people from deep mellow
so no one would sink to the shadow

so tall the castle stand
with its power so grand
protecting people in the land
teaching them to help each others’ hand

then the darkness comeDark_Castle_by_pawlack
consuming the people’s heart
offering delicious rum
presenting expensive art

so, so soon they leave
and now the castle remains in grieve



December 19, 2012
Cindy Zee Alvionita



Sometimes when everything just doesn’t …

Sometimes when everything just doesn’t feel right, all you have to do is just stay quiet..

I keep changing my blog and yet keep pub…

I keep changing my blog and yet keep publish the new one. Duh! How stupid! How are you supposed to hide yourself???? swt…

Anarki di dunia game

Sekarang gw lagi ada di Ramayana, beristirahat dari 6lagu ngepump berturut2.. (Bagi yang tanya ngepump itu apa, tu lho yang mirip DDR.. Tapi panahnya 5.. Hahahahaha..)

Sekarang yang lagi menikmati mesin mulia bagi para pengidam lemak akut itu adalah 2 anak SMP-entah-mana.. Hmmmm, gw yakin banget ni kalo si mesin bisa ngomong dia pasti teriak “auuuwwww” dari awal sampe akhir.. Wkwkwkwk..

Kenapa? Yaaah, nggak apa2 si.. Cuma karena mereka nginjaknya sampe bunyi dag dug dag dug aja.. Hahahaha.. Pasti sakit juga tuh di kaki..

Eniwey, gw cuma ga ada kerjaan aja si sambil nunggu mereka berdua main.. So, kita ngobrol2 dulu aja ya.. Hahaha.. (Duh, kuping gw sakit ni gara2 denger dag dig dug-nya.. Padahal diinjek biasa aja kalo pas langsung bisa lho.) haha…

Sudahlah.. Tak baik juga saya terlalu banyak berkomentar.. Wkwkwkwk.. ehem2.. Nih gw kasi tips2 belajar pump:

1. PEDE!!! Gak peduli ada berapa banyak orang yang lagi nonton lo maen atau berapa banyak expert yang maennya sampe kaya orang gila lagi nungguin lo maen di situ, atau berapa kali lo salah nginjek, yang penting pede aja lagi! Namanya juga hiburan! Haha..

2. HINDARI ANARKI mesin pump tu sensitif kok stepnya.. Gak perlu “ditendang” kalo cuma diinjek dikit aja dia udah ngerti kalo lo mau nginjek panah yang itu. (Asal pas aja lho)

3. Enjoy the rhythm semua panah2 yang ada di lagu dibikin pas sama tempo yang ada. Lo tinggal nikmatin lagunya dan ngepasin rhythmnya aja, tar pasti bisa. Hahaha.. 😀 jangan cuma ngeliatin panahnya aja, kalo gitu tar malah bikin pusing.. 😀

4. Belajar dulu kalo lo emang barusan aja belajar pump, jangan ikutan yang udah pada gila itu yang sampe level 13 atau 21. Lo belajar aja dari level 1, 3, 5, dst.. Enjoy the song, enjoy the rhythm.. Gak perlu dihafalin. Ntar juga lama2 lo bakal bisa secara otomatis.

5. The last: Set your target and keep leveling up jangan gampang puas dengan level lo yg sekarang. Bikin target kecil. Setelah bisa lagu ini, besok harus bisa lagu itu. That’s it, and u’ll be pumped up! Hahaha..

Okay that’s all for today! Besok2 gw kasih tips lainnya deh! 😀 see yaaa!! 😀

Sabrina Bryan :p

Hello world!

Hello, everyone.

It’s still dry season here and seriously, the heat makes anger! Oh, how I hate heat! ><.

Aaanywaaayy, tadaaaaah! This is my blog. And if you’re wondering who the hell I am who dares to make this so-called-sophisticated-kind-of-scratch book–which you usually call it BLOGs–well, that’s a secret I’ll never tell. Wakakakakakak…. — GG banget nggak sih??? wkwkwkwk…

Ehem2. Enough with the jokes. Okay, so this blog contains some scratches in my head that I need to be taken out at some point. Some maybe useful but I’m afraid most of them will be useless. However, I still hope u would enjoy the useful-and-uselessness.. Wkwkwk.. ENJOY!!

Angelina Jolie ◦•¬► ngarep banget!!! Wkwkwkwk..